Friday, July 14, 2006

Thoughts Along the Way

Then there are those moments in life that simply lift us. Something outside of ourselves that re-ignites the hopes we've always known are there but at times have been afraid to hold on to. The beauty of a story well told that touches the heart in places that haven't been reached for years. The beauty of love, overcoming the brokenness of heart, and the common bond we all have in searching. If we keep searching, keep looking, one way or another we're bound to find it.

Thoughts from the heart of someone looking for the bounty in life.


At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! so just so you know I am crazy jealous... really makes me think back to when I was in Nicargua and Costa Rica. Things happen there that you only think of at the most odd times... such as now... I should be studying for a test but I am so lost in the memories... Jonathan Praise God that you are able to be out there doing that... Nothing is more amazing then a child's smile... so keep making them smile and stay safe... God Bless


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Trailady said...

Hey Jon, Keep looking for the bounty in life. It's there, hidden beneath the trials, the doubts, the fears...

God is a rewarder and sustainer of those who seek Him...


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