Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Deep Expression

These days the weeks seem to be passing by faster and faster. Days are starting to become blurs. I guess I'm getting to the point where I'm not thinking about time as much and I'm just living the life here. I've been writing a lot of songs and I've really enjoyed recording with my guitar and my computer. One time, someone here asked me if I ever get tired of playing the guitar because it seems like I'm always playing it. I told him that it's something that I've always loved to do and when I was back in the states I used to play the piano 6 to 12 hours a week. I never count the hours, it's just a part of me.

The other day I watched a show about a lady that is an amazing musician. They were filming a impromptu recording session she was having with another guy. All they had was a huge room and some random things to use for percussion. They would tap on pipes, play guitars with sticks stuck in the strings, whatever they wanted to create sound with. I was even more amazed when I found out that this woman is deaf and has been since she was 11. She doesn't hear the music through her ears, she feels it through her body. The whole thing really resonated with me because I could really relate to their approach to making music. All the time I find myself taping a beat out on a desk, hitting sticks against different objects to see what quality of sound they make. I realized the thing that captivated me the most was the intense emotion that went into it. They were recording an impromptu CD. Nothing was planned. They just went in there and did it. Whatever they felt came out. They had to be totally in touch with themselves and their surrounds to create such a beautiful union of rhythm. When something is 100% emotion, it comes from a deep, deep place that isn't pre-planned but experienced. That's why I think the experience they had creating the music might have been even better than listening to it. I know that the experience of creating music for me is a huge part of enjoying it. It's part of the processes. But at the same time, once you've put so much of yourself into something, it's only natural to want to sit back, relax, and push play when it's all done.

As I came away from watching that show, I realized that it's really important for me to feel totally free to express myself. I'm a creative person and being all that I am might produce off the wall results but that's where I find the most inner peace within myself. I can't restrict who I am by absorbing lies that say I have to fit certain mold. I shouldn't worry about what other's think or worry that I might make them feel uncomfortable. Chances are, if I express who I am, I'll have more fun and the people around probably will too.


At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan!

I just read ALL of your blogs, and want to know something funny? I could picture you saying it ALL! I'm like OMG that's so Jonathan, but then I realized, oh, this IS Jonathan. Haha! (I'm so ridiculous.)

Sounds like your trip is amazing!
Have fun!


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Trailady said...

Hey Jon, I think you've tapped into such a good vein of thought here! It's one that I've just begun to understand myself.

God loves you for who you are. He has given you a passion and talent for music. He doesn't want you crammed into someone else's mold of what's appropriate or not. We all must live our lives for an Audience of One. I've been censored most of my life by people who didn't appreciate my music or the way I express myself in worship. I can no longer live in that bondage. I MUST be free to live, to sing, dance before my Maker, clap, raise my hands and praise the One who has Redeemed me. He is REAL to me. I am coming alive again because of Him! It reminds me of the story of the children praising Jesus in the temple courts. The self-righteous religious leaders commanded Jesus to silence the sounds of the children's praise. After all, they weren't offering praise in the acceptable, dignified format. Jesus said, "Have you not read, out of the mouth of babes I have perfected praise?" In fact, during the triumphal entry, Jesus said, "If these people do not praise me, the very rocks will cry out." Hmmmm, did He say "cry out"? Sounds kind of noisy to me...

I'm not advocating extremes here or chaos in church. All I'm saying is I believe God appreciates praise in many different forms. How arrogant for any one of us to determine what is acceptable. Don't ever change yourself to please the critics, because there will ALWAYS be critics- no matter what you do. Be true to your experience and to who God made you to be.

Live your life, sing your songs, make your music, Jonathan. You please the heart of your Father.


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