Friday, April 07, 2006

Visit to the World of Trash

Behind the Guifarro's house you can see a steady cloud of smoke rising from the hills. I was told it was burning trash but I had know idea how much trash until yesterday. Mr. Guifarro had to dump some brush from the back of his truck and aksed me if I wanted to come along. We drove down a long, winding dirt road until we reached the largest mountain of trash I've ever seen. It was like another world. Vulchers were everywhere. People were there too for different reasons, some to find parts that they could sell later in town, others to sell things to the people that worked there. I saw some kids and a man that each looked like they were living under some scraps they had found in the pile. I wasn't really sure what to think. I've seen alot of different standards of living here from rich to poor but this was the worst. I'm trully thankful for the many opportunities and blessing I have. I've questioned many times in my life why I was born how I and where I was, with so many good things, but when I start playing the comparison game I realize that you can always find someone in a better or worse situation than you are in. None of us deserve anything that we have. Instead of wondering why I have what I have I remind myself that I can be thankful for it just like everyone else can no matter who they are or where they live. Instead of dwelling on the fact that life is unfair and wondering why I'm not living in the trash heap, I've found it better to spend my energy helping others out with the blessings I've been given. Praise God, one day we'll all be walking on streets of gold and no matter where we used to live here will seem like a trash heap compared to eternity. But until then, if we have a smile, the least we can do is pass it along.


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Call Me Crazy said...

Wow, unbelievable how different things are!! --Stephanie

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Trailady said...

SO true! I try not to compare because it's painful either way I see it. Either I'm comparing myself unfavorably to someone else, or I'm feeling sad for someone with less than me. You hit the nail on the head. We should all help each other instead of trying to enrich ourselves only.


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