A Red Sky
We all long to believe in something. Whether it's cheering for the little handicapped boy or girl that struggled all the way through school but finally made it to graduation, or your favorite team that lost a few games but you know can make a comeback to victory. That movie with the hometown hero that inspired you to greater things. Something stirs in us when we see hopes met and dreams fulfilled, when we see someone hanging on with all they have left. We were all made to be believers. We were all made to be dreamers, to hope in things that we can't see but know must be there.
What do you believe in? Where do you place all your hopes and the dreams you hold so dear to your heart? As for me, I can't think of anywhere more worthy of placing my hope but in Jesus Christ. What could be more fulfilling than to put everything you have into the hands of the One who created you, the One who made you to be a dreamer? Strangely enough though, the one thing that I know to be true, and that brings me real peace in life, is the one thing I have to remind myself of the most. Maybe it's because we have all been born with deceitful hearts that somehow are able to mistake the pureness of truth for something completely opposite - a lie. If there weren't any lies, neither would there be doubts or the terrible confusion that comes from believing in something other than you were created to believe in.
Like the poor old man that died thinking the sky was red. You see, every day he had an opportunity to see otherwise, that the sky was really blue, but he choose not to. The truth was right above him the whole time but he couldn't let go of the things he heard about the sky growing up and all the doubts about its true color that filled his mind as a young man. So, every day he walked about with so much inner turmoil because he was fighting against the truth. If only he would have let go of all the silly lies about the sky being red, he would have led a much more peaceful life. Just as the sky was made to be blue, he was made to believe it was so.
This is a very interesting blog. I've really been struggling with spirituality lately and i felt trapped in the fight against it. I was pushing away every single spiritual orra arround me and i had no ability to pick up any book or the bible to read it. The only intake of information i was getting was from movies and some magazines, and then whatever someone would say. So on Saterday I pretty much slept all day, there was noone around anymore - because i had done a good job of constantly surrounding myself with at least one of my friends, and then big hit finally came when i realized that i was in a big hole and felt like i couldn't get out. People kept on telling me to go to God, but I feel like i have broke every single one of the commandments and so it was just so draining to think about going back to God and it seemed to take so much engery from me that all i could do was lay in bed and do nothing. well mom got me up saterday afternoon and she was asking me to go on a walk but i told her that was boring - so we finally aggreed to compromise and go on a tandom bike ride. We rode around shadyside and then visited the avila's home (they have finished the home they were constructing next to the Frists) I ended up babysitting the kids while they talked and that was good. when we went back to the house i was texting Jona because i was avoiding having a real converstation with him because the night before he was telling me to read the Bible and I just couldn't. I was paralized. So i mentioned to mom that i was feeling depressed and dad came home and he got that book out depression the way out, i counted the "hits" that i've taken and i had 6 out of 10. and so they were thinking about taking me to the Dr. this week. but i saw that the list was just a bunch of lifestyle choices that i could dramatically change to feel better. So the next day, i decided to open up the Bible for the first time in about 2 or 3 months and everything i started reading were somebodies prayers asking God to forgive them of thier sins and singing praises the Lord about how good He is. So that was amazing that i could identify with these people asking for forgiveness. I felt like when i was reading it i was included in the prayer and God was telling me that all i have to do is ask and i will be forgiven. so your blog just made me think of the trap that i was in of fighting the truth and living in turmoil of clinging onto the lies that i have been told.
These are words of wisdom. I am not ashamed to be a dreamer. I believe in the love of God. I believe in finding the beauty in every person. Great post & I loved the picture.
Hi Cherie, Sounds like you've hit a dry spell. I think everybody struggles from time to time. Our faith is not about straining and perfecting ourselves in order to reach or impress God. It's about allowing God to reach us. He cannot love you any more based on good behavior and He does not love you any less for bad behavior. God IS love- that's Who He Is. And you are His child.
Jesus kept every commandment of God- which is summed up in one word, Love. If you could keep all of the commandments perfectly, there would be no need for a Savior. My heart goes out to you as I can relate to your struggle. Hang in there. It's not about you, it's about Jesus. It's not about how lost or saved we feel, your salvation is a fact. Rest, breathe and know that you are loved more intensely than you can imagine possible. God is a friend who is even closer than a brother.
Bless you!!!
tu tienes un corazón de Dios. en este jornal yo puedo ver eso. nuestro Salvador es un Dios de amor y es muy bonita cuando una persona que identificar con Él. gracias por seguir lo que el Señor dice en Su palabra...para ir afuera y diga a todo el mundo de Su amor y cariño por nosotros todos.
estoy orando por ti y espero que has tenido un buen día.
tu hermana en Cristo,
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