I've always had this tendency to want to rush ahead in life and do everything I dream of doing to the max. I push myself and when I see something that is at the pinnacle of what I see as excellence I want it. I just found out about a guy named Jeremy Cowart by reading an interview he had with Chris Rice ( Jeremy is a photographer ( His images are so amazing and they make me want to go shoot pictures all day with a premium SLR digital camera just to get the right shot. He has a background in design and like he says, any designer that looks at his work can tell. I'm glad there are people out there like Jeremy that can inspire us. For me, it just makes my soul yearn even more for that thing that I really want, that place I really want to be. But, as I have learned over the years, whenever you arrive at that place you dreamed about before, you find that there are always bigger things to dream about and brighter starts to shoot for, starts that you couldn't see before. The burning flame of a personal passion like mine only grows stronger as it is enveloped in lofty inspiration. I get anxious as I think about becoming friends with the people I admire and look up to. My mind starts spinning with ideas of how to reach my goals and what to do next. So much to do and the whole process wonderful and exciting! Then I remind myself, one day at a time Jonathan, one day at a time.
The journey never ends, my friend- there is always something more to reach for. This is why I am certain humans are built for eternity. There are just so many thing to create, to explore and to connect with- you just can't do it all in one short lifetime...
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