Friday, July 14, 2006

Thoughts Along the Way

Then there are those moments in life that simply lift us. Something outside of ourselves that re-ignites the hopes we've always known are there but at times have been afraid to hold on to. The beauty of a story well told that touches the heart in places that haven't been reached for years. The beauty of love, overcoming the brokenness of heart, and the common bond we all have in searching. If we keep searching, keep looking, one way or another we're bound to find it.

Thoughts from the heart of someone looking for the bounty in life.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Missing Home

Every morning when I start classes I write the current date on the board. When I wrote July 4, 2006 last week, strong feelings of missing my homeland started to come over me. I asked the class if they new what today was in the United States. They didn't know. I told then it was the day we celebrate our independence and we have fireworks and all kinds of cool things. I asked them when there independence day was and they said it's in September. In the afternoon, I took a walk outside and as I walked past the open window of the school I saw the date "July 4, 2006" staring me down again. It seemed like such a big day! And nothing was going to be happening that night where I was at. Nothing at all. Just a few normal gunshot bangs that go off now and then for whatever reason (don't worry I'm safe). I started to realize how much being away from the States has helped develope my patriatism and appreciation for my country. I didn't know what to do, but I felt like I had to do something. So, I ended up writing a little song entitled "4th of July" sang to my mimic voice of Louis Armstrong. As I listened to the recording of the song that night before I went to bed I had to chuckle. Jonathan...the crazy things you do. I didn't get to see fireworks that night, but I had a good time recalling the warm memories of other 4ths of July I've had with family and friends. I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July!

If you'd like to hear the tune click here: