Look Before you Cross
It was Friday night. After a pleasant evening worship and meal with some relatives of the Guifarro family, we were all walking back to the house. As we were making the short walk back to their house, which is right next door, I witnessed one of the most traumatizing experiences I've had. There was a German Shepard looking dog that was just kind of wandering around in the road. Out of the corner of my eye I saw headlights coming and thought the dog might.....but no - BAM!! The dog walked right out in front of a taxi that was moving very fast. I could fill in more details about how the dog flew through the air into the ditch but I'll spare you. I couldn't believe I had just seen something so awful right before my eyes. I hope it died quickly because I hate the thought of suffering. I guess I'm not to desensitized because the event was pretty jolting for me and it will probably be burned in my memory for the rest of my life. Even if there was a bright yellow "Dog Crossing" sign on the road it wouldn't have done any good. The roads in Honduras are a dangerous place to be. To bad the dog had to die for me to be reminded of that again.
Yeah, I hit a dog about that big once (at least I think it was a dog. It was huge, and I didn't get out because I was in a part of the country where you can get shot for killing someone's dog, and I wasn't interested) and it was pretty traumatic. I don't think a sign would have helped then either...
Your blog name is so close to trailady's.
WOW- I'm SO sorry you had to see that! Last summer my kids and I were driving through the country just a mile from home. We saw a beautiful deer bounding across a field and we stopped to enjoy the sight of her. Unfortunately, something spooked her and she ran right in front of a van. It flipped her upside down and threw her about 50 yards. All this, while my children were watching. They started crying hysterically- we were all heartbroken- it was awful. I told them that's how things are in the devil's world and that someday things like that will no longer happen. This seemed to bring them some comfort.
oh...how sad. I just saw a dog lying down hurt on the road hurt on my way to the office this morning. The roads are'nt any better here in Bangalore. To me this post also tells about you, your sensitivity. I wish you'll be able to take it off your mind soon.
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