Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Feels Great to be a Clown

The Guifarro's are building a new school beside their house. It's not finished yet, so they started classes in their house. They were supposed to have a teacher for the new school but it didn't pan out so they asked me to help. It's been a nice change of pace. The kids are great and it's nice sleeping in a few more minutes before I walk down the stares to class. They are using the bathroom in my room for now but it's no big deal. Today, Mrs. Guifarro had to go to the other school, so her daughter Orieta stayed to help teach. Sometime during the morning, Orieta suggested painting with the kids. They put their hand prints on construction paper and I joined in with the fun. I guess Orieta didn't think the fun should stop there so she decided to try out her painting skills on my face. It was such a blast! The kids loved it and we had a good time.


At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my, Jonathon... you are indeed a hottie:) Love the new smile. Have a great couple weeks... i'll be in zambia! :) :) Laura

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Trailady said...

That looks like it would be fun!!

At 8:22 PM, Blogger said...

I like viewing your life, and thanks for letting us do so.


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