Monday, February 20, 2006

Take a Deep Breath

I was taking a walk Friday evening in the field behind this magnificent tree. It was so relaxing, so nice just to breath deeply the fresh Honduran air. There's a hint of smoke resting in the air that somehow gives me a warm feeling that there is life nearby, and people are enjoying their simple lives. As I strolled along in the field I came upon a horse, standing contently on the other side of a barb wire fence. "How's it goin' here, horsey," I said. And so started the pleasant conversation I had with horse. It didn't say much, but we bonded as I petted it's muzzle and tried to make friends. Sometimes I would do something that would make him jerk back, then I would jerk back from a quick shot of fear. "Sorry horse, I'm just not used to being around horses," I would say. It was nice, visiting with the horse, walking around, taking it all in. When's the last time you took it all in? When's the last time you had a chance to look far away, look past everything and forget about your thoughts. It's liberating, freeing, and it's good for any soul.


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Trailady said...

I enjoy conversations with horses. Cute pictures. (by the way, it's spelled muzzle) Got a kick out of that. Take care!!

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan, Your picture reminded me of the horses in front of the McDonald SDA church, the ones you and Melvin were feeding. That was a hilarious time... and I got it on Video.... LOL!! Cuidate mucho.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger said...

totally great photos!

At 8:29 PM, Blogger said...

also - I'm going where people love the simple life too, very soon. So to be appreciated!


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