Saturday, January 07, 2006

The End of Deception

I have been attending a series of meetings every night with my sister in downtown Chattanooga entitled Total Onslaught. Walter Veith is the speaker for the first of the two weeks and has been sharing intense discoveries about the deceptions that are taking hold on our world. These meetings have reawakened my awareness of the Great Controversy and have sparked a new appreciation for the simple truths of God's word. There are so many sick, self-centered, subtle deceptions out there that millions of people are virtually unaware of what is going on. Those of us that hold the truth in our minds and hearts have the immense privilege of diffusing these deceptions and upholding Jesus Christ, the only Truth and our salvation. To watch the remaining meetings online visit: To find out more about Dr. Walter Veith's ministry visit


At 8:36 PM, Blogger said...

Oh boy - it's a scary world and we need to have our eyes wide open. thanks for this and again - a young one with a lot of understanding.


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